Selected Works
Copper etchings, Block print

I have a memory of an experience from when I was seven years old, and I feel this experience is reflected in my art.  I was sleeping on the deck of our sailboat anchored in a small bay in Bora Bora.  I woke before the sun came up and grabbed my snorkel and diving mask and jumped overboard to explore the reef below us.  The whole environment was dark like ink but as the sun rose I began to witness the enchanted world around me.  The nighttime sea life began to retreat and the daytime creatures began to emerge.  This was the perfect time to begin to gather sea shells that hadn’t yet escaped to their hiding places.  Hunting sea shells was my greatest passion as a young boy growing up.  Since that time, searching for hidden treasures continues to be a passion of mine.

Selected Works
Mosaic Murals

We begin each mural by meeting with the students and brainstorming ideas related to the theme.  Each student draws an image of their interpretation of the theme.  Here, in the art town of Taos, we have always been impressed by each student’s willingness to create an image narrating a subject matter.  Not one of the over two thousand students we have worked with over the past 13 years ever refused to draw us an image.  Each of their drawings fills the entire page top to bottom, side to side, corner to corner narrating their story.  We find this willingness remarkable.  We then choose elements from each of their drawings to create the composition of the final image.  Because we create the final composition, we do not show favoritism to any one individual.  

During the time it takes to create these murals monumental events can occur in a student’s life.  We honor these special events, whether sad or happy, by small symbols hidden within the image.  These students will always know that a part of their life is forever honored in the completed mural.

Selected Works
Colored Pencil